Quick, what’s the anatomical name for your armpit? Or for the area between your eyebrows? No idea? Don’t fret, go through these weird, unknown and funny body part names and you’ll be a trivia buff.
1. Philtrum
The vertical groove between the nose and the upper lip. It is a distinctive feature of human faces and varies in depth and prominence among individuals.
2. Lunula
The white, crescent-shaped area at the base of the fingernail. The lunula is actually the visible part of the nail matrix, which is the area beneath the cuticle where new nail cells are produced.
3. Perineum
The region between the anus and the genitalia.
4. Zygomatic arch
The bony structure formed by the cheekbone (zygomatic bone) and the temporal bone. The zygomatic arch plays an important role in facial structure and aesthetics. It helps define the contour of the face and provides attachment points for muscles involved in chewing and facial expression.
5. Coccyx
You might have heard this one, coccyx is a fun name for your tailbone.
6. Xiphoid process
The small, cartilaginous extension at the bottom of the sternum. The word “xiphoid” comes from the Greek word “xiphos,” meaning “sword,” as the xiphoid process is typically thin and has a pointed shape resembling the tip of a sword.
7. Suprasternal notch
The hollow at the base of the neck, just above the sternum.
8. Hallux
The medical term for the big toe.
9. Uvula
The small, fleshy, cone-shaped projection that hangs down at the back of the throat.
10. Epiglottis
The flap of cartilage located at the base of the tongue that covers the windpipe during swallowing to prevent food from entering the airway.
11. Tarsus
The cluster of small bones in the ankle joint.
12. Ginglymus
A hinge type of joint which allows movement in only one plane.
13. Labrum
The cartilaginous ring that surrounds the socket of a joint, such as the shoulder or hip.
14. Mylohyoid
The thin muscle that forms the floor of the mouth.
15. Frenulum
The small fold of tissue that connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth or the upper lip to the gum.
16. Meatus
The opening or canal of a body part, such as the external auditory meatus (ear canal) or urethral meatus.
17. Pterygoid
The paired muscles located in the jaw region that help with chewing.
18. Auricle
The external part of the ear, also known as the pinna.
19. Hyoid
The U-shaped bone in the neck that supports the tongue and helps with swallowing and speech.
20. Areola
The pigmented area surrounding the nipple.
21. Olecranon
The bony prominence at the tip of the elbow.
22. Columella nasi
The small strip of skin that separates the nostrils.
23. Patella
The kneecap, a small bone that protects the knee joint.
24. Minimus
The cute, gladiator-style name for your little toe.
25. Sclera
The tough, white outer layer of the eyeball.
26. Vermilion border
The distinct border between the red-colored part of the lips and the surrounding skin.
27. Rasceta
The wrinkling and creases on the inner surface of the wrist.
28. Glottis
The space between the vocal cords in the larynx.
29. Nuchal ridge
The bony ridge at the back of the skull where neck muscles attach.
30. Gnathion
The lowest, middle part of your chin.
31. Nares
The openings of the nose through which air passes or the nostrils.
32. Canthus
The canthus refers to the corner or angle where the upper and lower eyelids meet. There are two canthi in each eye: the medial canthus and the lateral canthus.
33. Wenis
The slang term used to refer to the loose skin on the back of the elbow.
34. Tarsier
The long bone in the foot that connects the heel to the toes, resembling a tarsier primate.
35. Axilla
AKA your pits. You know it, it’s home to several center points, including lymph nodes, blood vessels, nerves, and muscles.
36. The anatomical snuffbox
A triangular deepening on the radial, dorsal aspect of the hand.
37. Cupid’s bow
The double curve of the upper lip, resembling the shape of Cupid’s bow and arrow.
38. Glabella
The space above and between the eyebrows.
39. Tragus
The tragus is a small, cartilaginous projection located on the external part of the ear, in front of the ear canal opening. When you think of it this is a very weird choice of words as “tragos,” which means “he-goat.” It redirects sound waves into the ear canal while also providing protection for the ear opening by blocking certain debris or insects.
40. Funny bone
Not actually a bone, but the ulnar nerve that runs near the elbow and can cause a tingling or funny sensation when struck.
41. Dimples of Venus
The small indentations on the lower back, often associated with attractiveness and named after the Roman goddess of beauty.
42. Filiform papillae
Tiny, thread-like projections on the tongue responsible for the sensation of touch.
43. Purlicue
The space or area on the hand between the thumb and the index finger, also known as the “web” of the hand.
44. Sternocleidomastoid
A large neck muscle that originates from the sternum and clavicle and attaches to the mastoid process of the skull.
45. Nasal Dorsum
The upper, bony part of the nose that extends from the nasal root (where the nose meets the forehead) to the nasal tip.
Recommended reading next: 51 weird words from the English language
What human organ or body part has the longest name?
Bulbo-Urethral Gland gets the prize here, with 20 characters with spaces or 18 letters total.
Why do some body parts have weird names?
Some body parts have weird names because they were named after the first thing peole had in mind when they looked at them. For example, the philtrum is named after its supposed ability to charm people. Other body parts have weird names because they got their name years and years ago, when people had different understandings of anatomy. The glabella is just one example; it was named after the Latin word “glaber,” which means “smooth,” simply because people in ancient times believed that it was a smooth area of skin. Done and done.
Trip over! This funny body part names guide was meant to amuse and why not, educate. If this was a test most of us would have failed it, because, let’s face it, this is not necessarily common knowledge. But hey, the more you know, right?!