Beyond Crop Circles: 9 Intriguing And Unexplained Geoglyphs

First of all, what are geoglyphs? Geoglyphs are massive earth artworks etched into the ground. They can have any shape or form, animals, symbols, or intricate designs.

Geoglyphs have puzzled humanity for centuries, with their origins often hidden in mystery. These enigmatic designs etched into our planet’s surface tell stories that transcend time and space. Next, we’ll explore the secrets of these mind-boggling creations, talking about the legends and theories that make them some of the weirdest geoglyphs on Earth.

1. Nazca Lines, Peru

weirdest geoglyphs on earth: Nazca Lines, PeruThe Nazca Lines are one of the most famous geoglyphs, located in the Peruvian desert. These enormous designs, including animals, geometric shapes, and human figures, were created by removing the reddish-brown iron oxide-coated pebbles to reveal the light-colored ground beneath. Nobody really knows why the ancient Nazca people made them, which adds to the mystery. The crazy thing is these lines are massive and can only be fully appreciated from an aerial shot so if you happen to pop on nearby make sure you have your drone with you.

2. Uffington White Horse, England

weirdest geoglyphs on earth: Uffington white horse

Carved into the chalk hills of England, the Uffington White Horse is a man-made figure of a horse. Its origins are shrouded in mystery, dating back over 3,000 years, it’s like a prehistoric graffiti masterpiece. It almost looks like it’s in mid-gallop, but with a geometric twist. It’s like the ancient Brits were into some avant-garde art long before it was cool. The best part is, you can hike up to a nearby hill and get an epic view of this gigantic chalk horse. It would make for an epic Insta shot!

3. Atacama Giant, Chile

weirdest geoglyphs on earth: Atacama Giant, Chile

Okay, so picture this: you’re in the middle of the driest desert on Earth, the Atacama Desert, which is already pretty darn cool in itself. Then, out of nowhere, you stumble upon this massive geoglyph on the side of a hill. And when I say massive, I mean it – it’s like the size of a football field! This isn’t just a random doodle, it’s actually a super detailed representation of a human figure that nobody knows exactly why it was made. Some people believe it had some astronomical significance, like pointing out the solstices or lunar events. Others reckon it could have been a tribute to their gods or ancestors. It’s like a big, ancient enigma waiting to be solved.

4. Paracas Candelabra, Peru

weirdest geoglyphs on earth: Paracas Candelabra, Peru

Another goodie from Peru. Carved into the arid hills the Paracas Candelabra resembles a massive candelabra – 595 feet tall, that’s like the height of a 60-story building – with arms pointing outward. Its purpose and origin remain uncertain, with some theories suggesting it could be a navigational marker for sailors back in the day, sort of like a giant, ancient GPS. Others think it could have had some sort of religious or ceremonial significance. Heck, there are even wild ideas that it’s a tribute to extraterrestrial beings or ancient secret societies. Being as it may, this massive geoglyph is super ancient, possibly dating back 2,000 years or more! And it’s been sitting there in the desert, braving the salty sea air and desert winds, still clearly visible to this day.

5. Marree Man, Australia

weirdest geoglyphs on earth: Marree Man, Australia

The Marree Man is an enormous figure etched into the Australian outback. It’s a gigantic man, like 2.2 miles tall, that’s like a skyscraper laying down. What makes the Marree Man so cool is the sheer size and the fact that it’s been around since the 1990s, which isn’t that long ago in the grand scheme of things. Some folks think it was done by artists or pranksters, while others speculate it might have some connection to Aboriginal culture or maybe even some secret government project, we all know how people love conspiracy theories. And the way it’s maintained is super weird too. It’s just this shallow trench filled with white rocks, and every now and then, someone sneaks out there to “refresh” it. But who? And why?

6. Blythe Intaglios, USA

Blythe Intaglios

The Blythe Intaglios are a group of colossal human and animal figures etched into the California desert. They’re like the crop circles of the desert, but on a whole different level. Dating back thousands of years, archaeologists believe they were made by the Native Americans who once roamed these lands. Some folks think they might’ve had spiritual or ceremonial significance, maybe to connect with the spirits or the cosmos. Others speculate they could’ve been used as a means of navigation. Regardless of their purpose, these designs were created by removing dark rocks and soil to expose the lighter-colored ground. A simple strategy that seems to have worked.

7. Steppe Geoglyphs, Kazakhstan

Steppe Geoglyphs, KazakhstanNow, what makes these Steppe Geoglyphs so incredibly cool is their age. Some of them date back around 2,000 years. However, they were only discovered in recent years thanks to satellite imagery aka Google Earth, used by Dmitriy Dey, a very curious Kazakh economist. How surreal, having these colossal works of art hidden in plain sight for centuries! You’ve got gigantic – some of these geoglyphs are more than 1,000 feet long – swirly patterns, animals, and even human figures. Some of them look like ancient alien hieroglyphics straight out of a sci-fi movie. Nobody knows for sure why they were created, which adds to the whole mystery.

8. Effigy Mounds, Iowa, USA

Effigy Mounds, Iowa

Just imagine: you’re wandering through the forests of Iowa and suddenly, you come across these huge mounds of earth shaped like animals. But we’re not talking about just any animals; we’re talking about birds, bears, and even water spirits! Apparently they were built by Native Americans over a thousand years ago. The designs are incredibly detailed, and some of them are massive, like football fields in size which makes it even more impossible to imagine how they could have achieved this so long ago.

9. Long Man of Wilmington, England

Long Man of Wilmington, England

We’re talking about a colossal figure carved into the chalk hillside. This is a guy so big, he looks like he’s waving at you from the hill! Dude has been chilling on the hillside for at least a few hundred years, with some scientists believing he could be as old as a thousand years. He might have religious or spiritual significance, like an ancient guardian of the land. Others speculate he could be a homage to an ancient warrior or chieftain. And there are even wild theories about him being connected to ancient astronomy or, you guessed it, extraterrestrial visitors. It’s like a history and conspiracy theory combo platter!

The weirdest geoglyphs on Earth remind us that people have always had that creative side, even thousands of years ago. It was a connection between art, nature, and culture, a connection that often left scientists wondering what was the purpose behind it all. As these mysteries persist, we continue to be inspired by the incredible stories “drawn” into the very Earth beneath our feet.

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How were these ancient geoglyphs created without modern technology?

While the exact methods vary, geoglyphs were often painstakingly created by removing or arranging rocks, soil, or other materials. So yeah, a lot of hard work and dedication along with having a ton of creativity. Some theories suggest the use of simple tools, like sticks and ropes, to ensure precision. The remarkable thing is that these ancient artists managed to put together such designs without our modern equipment.

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