Out there is a world where the knife and fork might be replaced by chopsticks or fingers, where slurping is not just allowed but encouraged, and where cleaning your plate dry with some bread is the norm. We brand them weird table manners but in fact theyโre local customs that have been passed through the years until they became common behavior. Here are just some instances of the diverse ways cultures express their traditions, values, and etiquette while coming together over a meal.
1. Eye contact while toasting in Germany
When clinking glasses in Germany, it’s customary to make eye contact with everyone at the table individually. Failing to do so can bring seven years of bad luck in the bedroom. The tradition is rooted in the belief that by not making eye contact during a toast you will end up with seven years of bad luck and bad sex.
2. Slurp your food away in Japan
A behavior for which you might have been scolded as a kid is considered good manners in Japan. Slurping is considered a compliment for a chef, a sign that youโve enjoyed your food.
3. Sharing food in Ethiopia
4. Pouring a drink for others in China
5. Loud slurping in Vietnam
Unlike Japan, Vietnam is a no on the slurping so just behave yourself. We know soups like pho are hard to enjoy without making slurping noises but with some practice youโll be able to enjoy your soup without any sound effects.
6. Eating with your hands in India
Using your fingers to scoop up food in India is common, especially when it comes to dishes like biryani or curry. Each finger is thought to represent one of the five elements: earth, fire, water, air, and space. Just remember, it’s your right hand you should be using; the left hand is considered unclean.
7. Chopstick etiquette in South Korea
In South Korea, stabbing your chopsticks straight on vertically in a bowl of rice is a big no-no as this is a funeral ritual. Use a slight angle, even if you just want to rest the chopsticks in the bowls.
8. Pass using two hands in South Korea
When passing bowls of food or glasses, always use both your hands. Along with a slightly bowed down head, this is also a sign of respect.
9. No tipping in Japan
10. Passing the port in the UK
When a bottle of port wine is opened and passed around the table, it is customary to pass it to the left. This practice has nautical roots, where the ship’s port side was to the left when facing forward. Passing to the left allows for the smooth circulation of the bottle without confusion.
11. Spaghetti twirling in Italy
In Italy, twirling spaghetti with a fork against the spoon will get you enough side eye and signs to last you a lifetime. The best way to do it would be to simply twirl the pasta in your plate. Authentic Italian pasta is made to be long and thin, making it easier to twirl around your fork.
12. No hands under the table in France
It’s considered impolite to have your hands under the table while eating. Keep your hands visible on the table, but not your elbows. Some believe this etiquette rule dates back to medieval times when it was believed that hiding hands under the table could conceal a hidden weapon.
13. Cleaning your plate with bread in Italy
Thereโs even a name for it: “fare la scarpetta” and itโs a beloved culinary tradition that involves using a piece of bread to mop up the remaining sauce or juices on your plate after a delicious meal.
14. No ketchup on pizza in Italy
Adding ketchup to pizza is seen as a culinary sin. Italians believe that good pizza doesn’t need any extra condiments and if you taste original Italian pizza you will agree.
15. No chewing gum in Turkey
In Turkey, chewing gum in public, especially during a meal, is seen as impolite and disrespectful. It’s best to avoid it altogether.
16. Donโt clink your glass in Hungary
The legend goes back to the 1848 Hungarian Revolution against the Habsburg Empire. After the revolution failed, many Hungarians were imprisoned or executed by Austrian authorities. To celebrate their victory, it is said that Austrian generals would clink their beer glasses together so Hungarians vowed to never clink their glasses again.
17. Salting your food in Egypt
Regardless if youโve already tasted the dish or not, just donโt ask for extra salt or pepper if itโs not already available on the table.
Recommended reading next: Fork Yeah! 23 Crazy Weird Food Festivals From Around The World
These weird table manners should teach that whenever you plan on visiting any country make sure you do your research so as not to offend anyone when dining out. Itโs better to know the yes and no’s so you can avoid a faux pas.
I’m a passionate writer with an insatiable curiosity for history, obscure facts, and the weird corners of the internet. When I’m not fact-checking bizarre stories or diving into historical mysteries, I’m exploring the strange and unusual to bring you the most fascinating tales.
A self-proclaimed weirdness enthusiast, who loves turning the odd, the quirky, and the unbelievable into engaging stories for curious minds.
My kids sometimes call me the walking Wikipedia, which can get very annoying sometimes.ย