Crowns And Curiosities: 19 Fascinating Yet Weird Royal Facts

We like watching them on Netflix, we like watching them in the gossip section, we like fantasizing about living that kind of life. But how was/is life as a member of the royal family? We gathered some fun and weird royal facts that are sure to satisfy your royal curiosity.

Royal Birthdays

weird royal facts: royal birthdays1. Queen Elizabeth of England celebrated twice

As expected, her actual birthday , 21st April, and her official birthday, the second Saturday in June.

2. In Bhutan, a unique birthday celebration tradition involves planting trees.

In 2020 the king celebrated his 40th anniversary by asking all Bhutanese to plant a tree or adopt an animal.

3. Queen Elizabeth II received some unusual gifts for her birthdays.

She’s been given things like an elephant, a pair of young red deer stags, a sloth and even some kangaroos, most of which were donated to the London Zoo.

Quirky Royal Titles

weird royal facts: quirky royal titles
4. Prince(ss) of the Blood

In some monarchies, certain royal family members are referred to as “prince(ss) of the blood.” It signifies their direct descent from a ruling monarch, carrying a touch of royal distinction.

5. Archdukes and Archduchesses

In some European monarchies like Austria, an archduke or archduchess was considered a higher-ranking title than a duke or duchess. It’s a quirky twist on the hierarchy.

6. King of Kings

This title, often associated with ancient rulers, symbolizes someone who rules over other monarchs. It was used in the Persian Empire and sometimes adopted by European monarchs as a symbol of their grandeur #coughcough

7. Prince(ss) of Orange

The Dutch royal family historically held the title of “Prince(ss) of Orange,” signifying their association with the principality of Orange in France. To this day, this title remains a central part of Dutch royal tradition.

8. Black Rod

A rather quirky title in the UK, this individual is responsible for maintaining order in the House of Lords as well as its precincts. The holder of this title also has ceremonial duties during funerals, coronations etc.

Fashionable Royals

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9. The codpiece craze

During the Tudor era men’s fashion often included codpieces โ€“ padded pouches worn over the crotch area. These were not only for style but also for practical purposes, supposedly protecting the area while riding horses.

10. High heels for men

Believe it or not, back in the day, high heels were all the rage for royal men. European noblemen often wore high-heeled shoes as a sign of their social status. Louis XIV of France, who reigned from 1643 to 1715. This guy had a serious love affair with heels. His high heels weren’t just fashionable; they were a power move. They had a red sole, which was like his royal stamp, and they boosted his height, making him look even more impressive.

11. Royal handbags

Queen Elizabeth II’s handbag reportedly holds a secret code for her staff. Placing it on the table signals that she’s ready to move on, while switching it to her other arm means she wants to end a conversation.

12. Royal fashion influence

The “Meghan Effect” and the “Kate Effect” refer to how Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton’s fashion choices can cause items they wear to sell out almost instantly, demonstrating their strong influence on trends.

13. Royal dress code for christenings

In the British royal family, there’s a traditional dress code for newborns. Babies are often dressed for their christenings in gowns that date back to the Victorian era.

14. Harry Potter connection

Kate Middleton’s wedding dress designer, Sarah Burton, also created the wedding dress for actress Helen McCrory, who played Narcissa Malfoy in the Harry Potter films. It’s a royal connection with a magical twist.

Royal Pets

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15. Royal corgi legacy

Queen Elizabeth II’s love for corgis is well-known, but she also had a “dorgi” โ€“ a mix between a corgi and a dachshund โ€“ named Vulcan. The rascal lived 13 unbelievably good years.

16. Queen Elizabeth’s swans

In the UK, swans have a special royal connection. The monarch technically owns all swans in England and Wales, a tradition that dates back to medieval times.

Royal Cuisine

weird royal facts: royal cuisine17. The Queen’s marmalade

Queen Elizabeth II liked to start her days with a breakfast consisting of marmalade and toast. When the queen passed away on September 8th, 2022, mourners were asked to stop leaving marmalade sandwiches as a sign of respect because things started getting out of hand. Apparently the sandwiches had a โ€œnegative impact on the park’s wildlife.โ€

18. No lunch for King Charles

This is one hard working royal because, get this, he skips lunch because he considers it a luxury habit that interferes with his busy schedule.

19. Absolutely no garlic in sight

The British royal family takes protocol very seriously and this is another example. In order to prevent unnecessary smells they simply avoid garlic altogether.

Behind all the glitz and glamor, these kings, queens, and monarchs were, well, just people. So, whether you’re a history buff, a crown-wearing enthusiast, or just someone looking for a bit of royal entertainment, there’s always more to discover in the world of royalty. History can be entertaining and these weird royal facts prove it.

Recommended reading next: Secrets Of The Unfound: 13 Treasures That Have Never Been Found

What is the role of the British royal family in government?

The British royal family’s role is largely ceremonial and symbolic. They do not hold any real political power. The monarch’s duties include state ceremonies, representing the country on official visits, and providing a unifying figurehead for the nation, but that’s it.

How does the royal family support itself financially?

The British royal family is primarily funded through the Sovereign Grant, which is a percentage of the profits from the Crown Estate, a large portfolio of property and assets owned by the reigning monarch. This funding covers official duties and expenses, while private wealth and investments also contribute to their financial stability.

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